Many problems we experience are due to people’s own insecurity. This is usually traced back to not liking the entirety of yourself or parts of yourself. We are complex individuals, it is important to be comfortable and really like ‘you.’ In fact I hope you actually “Love yourself” . Please note that this is very different from being self centered.
A person who likes and loves self is very comfortable in their skin. They radiate confidence of self and feel they can accomplish anything. A self centered person seeks attention to themselves and would perform actions to attract attention even if the actions are irrational.
Here are a few of the aspects we will check:
- Are you happy with your weight?
- Are you comfortable with your skin?
- Are you ok with your height?
- Do you have any skin, scars or defects that make you feel uncomfortable?
- Are you ok with your hair or lack of it?
- Are you ok with your body and its sex? Do you wish you were a different sex?
- Do you have any addictions that make you feel less worthy?
Believe in Yourself
You should know that you are beautiful the way you are and if able to love yourself it will be easy for people to love you as well.
It doesn’t matter what I or anyone tells you. You must believe it in your heart and there are ways to increase this. Your perception of yourself is your reality. It is very important to change your own perception if it is negative in any way.
This is the first block in building your new life!
Video(s) — Sequence of the videos is important please watch them in this order —
1. No arms no legs no problem
The purpose of this video is to self-reflect and discover the pain points for yourself.
- What stands out to you?
- What did you like about this video?
- What was difficult in watching this video for you?
- What key messages that translate to your life right now? ( For Example: Nick talked about not being able to hold his wife’s hand but he could hold her heart)
- What else did you learn about yourself by watching this video?
- What action are you compelled to take as a result of watching this video?
- What is the next baby step you will take?
2. Butterfly Circus
The purpose of this video is to self-reflect and discover the pain points for yourself.
- What stands out for you?
- What did you like about this video?
- What was difficult about watching this video?
- What key messages translate to your life right now? ( For Example: Feeling upset about other people mistreating someone else
- In the scene where Mendez stops the kid from throwing the tomato at the man with no arms and no legs. Did you notice how he did it? Did he make the kid feel bad about his action? Was he gentle in approach?
- In the scene where Mendez talks to Nick and tells him what the man in the other circus had been saying about him; why does Mendez do this? To be mean or to force him to reflect upon his life?
- In the scene where Nick is in the water and is ignored while while he continues to ask for advice, why are they ignoring him? Do you believe they were being mean?
- What happens as a consequence of Nick falling in the water, in the deeper part of it?
What happens after Nick performs his act (jumping from a very high ladder into a small pool of water)? Why does the boy come and hug him? - Describe a moment in your life where you felt inspired by someone else.
- Describe a moment in your life in where you felt transformed similar to what Nick experienced.
- How do you think you can inspire others?
- What action do you want to take as a result of watching this video?
- What is the next baby step you will take?
Beauty and the Beast
The purpose of this video is to self-reflect and discover the pain points for yourself.
- What stands out for you?
- What did you like about this video?
- What was difficult about watching this video?
- What key messages translate to your life right now? (For Example: Do you feel like a beast, a beauty or any of the actors in the movie?)
- Which was your favorite scene about this movie and why?
- Can you think of a couple examples of your friends or the media you consider they are beauty and the beast? (Remember beauty is in the eyes of the beholder)
- What did you learn about yourself while watching this video?
- What action do you want to take as a result of watching this video?
- What is the next baby step you will take?