Beginning of Journey

During the 24th of August 2008 and September 4th 2008.  Had the most amazing super natural experience. It was horrible terrifying and yet once it was over due to god’s grace, my left ear was opened.  Guided to help others in ways I couldn’t imagine.

Spiritual Principles

Learned spiritual principles under some amazing master teachers such as Lucille Crow and Dawn Marian.  Among the different methods learned were:

  • Reiki
  • MetAlign
  • Flower Essence healing
  • Akashic Records reading
  • Symbols protection and healing

I use these spiritual tools to help others to get them in their path.

Usually the people I need to help guided by dreams and their own intuition.
Awakeningz is the culmination of my learning and what I feel the spiritual world wants me to build to help others.

I am humbled by the path provided to me to help others.

Services Offered


The lessons are given to me, I have NO education on sociology or anything alike.  My education is in marketing and computers. However my understanding of what stops people from reaching god is vast due to experience and communication received from the spiritual world.


I provide readings to people, free of charge as long as the person is in need of guidance and agrees to my spiritual principles.  Information on my spiritual principles can be found here.


I provide readings to people, free of charge as long as the person is in need of guidance and agrees to my spiritual principles. And I feel I can help the person.  Information on my spiritual principles can be found here.